The Section for Experimental Biomedicine at Linköping University 

The Section for Experimental Biomedicine represents students of the international Bachelor's and Master's programs in Experimental Biomedicine.
Our mission is to monitor and work for the development of your education to ensure that it is of high quality. We also promote community between the students of the two programs, as well as with other sections and student associations here at Linköping University. You can contact us anytime at
Together with us in the section and the party committee FylleCellen you will have a great time at LiU! 

If you want to reach us you can also write to our facebook page


FylleCellen facebook

Consensus är kåren för dig som läser vid Medicinska fakulteten i Linköping och Norrköping. Alla medlemmar har rätt att ge sin åsikt om vad kåren ska arbeta med för det är medlemmarna som är Consensus.





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Kontakta oss

Besöks- & postadress Linköping

Consensus Medicinska fakultetens studentkår
Kårhus Örat, US-området ingång 73
581 85 Linköping

Besöksadress Norrköping

Kungsgatan 40, Kårhus Trappan

Postadress Norrköping

Kårhuset Trappan
601 74 Norrköping

Org. nr


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