Consensus - the Student Union of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences


Consensus is the student union of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Linköping University. We are working with a range of matters to improve your education and student life. The members of Consensus decide what the student union should think, say and work with.

What does Consensus do?

  • Student representatives in different committees and Linköping University where decisions concerning students are made
  • Café Örat: a café run by students with the cheapest coffee at campus US
  • Support and help for student with matters concerning examinations, internships, teachers and supervisors, work environment
  • Together with the other student unions at Linköping University Consensus owns the company Kårservice that runs the five student union buildings: Örat, Kårallen, Kårhus Kollektivet, hg and Trappan
  • Support for student associations
  • Welcome period for new students

Who are we?
The board of Consensus consist of students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. You can find our contact information here.

If you are an exchange student and have any questions, please contact

Where to find us?
Our office is located at the top floor of Kårhus Örat.

How to become a member?
To become a member you need a Swedish social security number (personnummer). This is only an option for Swedish students or students staying for a longer period of time, like the international master students.

Useful links for international students:
Östgötatrafiken – Bus schedule
KOMBO – They will answer questions regarding housing here in Linköping
Sektioner – Program specific student organizations
ESN Linköping – Erasmus student network @ Linköping
ISA – International student association @ Linköping



Kårhuset Örat is located just outside the entrance to the US campus and offers students study places, a café and a party room. On the top floor is the Consensus office.

Frequently Asked Questions

Consensus är kåren för dig som läser vid Medicinska fakulteten i Linköping och Norrköping. Alla medlemmar har rätt att ge sin åsikt om vad kåren ska arbeta med för det är medlemmarna som är Consensus.





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Kontakta oss

Besöks- & postadress Linköping

Consensus Medicinska fakultetens studentkår
Kårhus Örat, US-området ingång 73
581 85 Linköping

Besöksadress Norrköping

Kungsgatan 40, Kårhus Trappan

Postadress Norrköping

Kårhuset Trappan
601 74 Norrköping

Org. nr


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